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Helping cities and communities make better choices to improve services for, 和, 他们的居民.

IBI Group’s 智慧城市平台™ is an open technology framework allowing cities to connect their own existing systems with IBI’s onboard tools and insight-driven data analytics, focused on outcomes for city residents.

Combining big data and predictive analytics to support improved decision-making, the 智慧城市平台 is designed to connect stakeholders with the services, information and insight they need, keeping all parties in a city, from the residents to the Mayor, 知情和授权.

智慧城市平台 modules:

  • 居民参与
  • 流动性
  • 公用事业公司
  • 生活

The Platform’s resident engagement module offers the ability to connect with city residents through an app and/or social media, fostering a two-way dialogue between residents and service operators.


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